Our Mission

EOD Global is your trusted partner to provide
your organization with strategies to help ensure an intentional approach, with tangible outcomes, to match and further your organization’s commitment to equity and inclusion.

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What our clients say

Don't just take it from us; listen to what others have to say about EOD Global!

"Early in my career when I was just learning DEI, I thought I was very well versed in the ins and outs of people and their biases. Shortly after my promotion to management, I was given responsibility to manage our DEI experience and hired EOD Global to help develop our strategic plan. I laugh at how much I didn’t know, and realized that I may have been causing some harm by my approach. Fortunately for me, I worked with an EOD coach that valued and prioritized leadership development, communication and compassion – while driving accountability for DEAI.  It's been an invaluable experience."

T. L. Brown
HR Manager
Virginia State Government Administrator

"Being a black-led organization, we thought we were ahead of the diversity movement. EOD Global was assigned to us as part of grant we received. We were reluctant at first because we didn’t see the need. How wrong were we. EOD consultants helped us to expand our definition of diversity and representation, and why it’s important for us to look at all “isms” that impact individuals and organizations. We developed a DEAI mission and then conducted a DEAI/Culture survey to identify where our staff saw gaps in what we say we want to do/be, and where we are currently. We uncovered that our inequities toward women in the workplace was bordering on discriminatory, although unintentional. Thanks to EOD, we’re developing strategies, goals and key performance indicators to track our success. EOD has had an extremely positive impact on how we’re aligning with our mission."

JT Monroe
Director of Highway and Transportation Contracting
Atlanta, GA

"I began in DEI more than 30 years and am well-versed in the strategy of DEI. But EOD helped me to layer the emotional intelligence and change management strategies so I can gain the buy-in of people at all levels. I have begun to lead not just from the cognitive frame, but now layer the emotional side of change. I’m a better listener, I focus on what the data tells me instead of what I “think”, and I listen to the voice of all of the stakeholders and invite them into the process of developing solutions. Our DEI efforts have a long way to go, but having a trusted partner to help us lead the way has kept us moving forward, evolving, contributing, and making our workplace better."

S. Goldman
Health Educator and Administrator
Los Angeles, CA

“Our team is global and live in different countries. We have varying backgrounds and languages and experiences with discrimination and harassment. Also our laws are different. So a ‘one size fits all’ approach to DEI strategy and implementation just won’t work. Through meeting teams globally in virtual experiences, EOD help our culture have a better understanding of our differences, respecting them, celebrating them, and using our individual and collective strengths to build a global strategy, which was our original task, AND to create country specific strategies. The two layered approach works for us and was the best solution for our needs.”

D. Joseph
Director of People & Organizational Development, Athletic Association
Atlanta, GA

“The WHY drives the WHAT! That’s the message we keep at the forefront of our minds when we’re working to shift the beliefs and perspectives of our people and teams. In just over a year of work together, EOD has given us a theoretical framework for dramatically rethinking our organization and how we get help people understand the historical inequities that still impact people today. We took a step back to uncover root causes of inequities, the impact of systemic inequities on marginalized groups of people, and WHY they occurred and continue to be allowed. Mindblowing! Then we were able to look at the work we already did, and layered it with new tools and strategies that translated EOD’s customized framework into action. They got to know us personally, understand our challenges, and tailored their programming while consistently delivering high quality work. They are the gold standard!

C. Sandidge
President, Non-profit organization
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Everyday Organizational Designs is global.

We're ready to partner with you, no matter where our offices are.

Atlanta, GA
Sacramento, CA
Europe Offices:
Paris, France
Consultant Locations:
London, England
Senegal, Africa
Cape Town, South Africa

Ready to get started?

If you're looking for a consultancy with more than 15 years of service providing DEAI consulting, strategic development, leadership coaching, training and develpoment of DEAI practitioners, EOD Global is the trusted partner you've been looking for.

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